Non-destructive testing (NDT) is the process of inspecting, testing or evaluating the serviceability of materials, components or assemblies, or the serviceability of a part or system, in order to determine discontinuities in materials. That is, when inspection or testing is complete, the material is still usable.
Other test methods are destructive, and therefore testing is performed on a limited number of samples instead of materials, components or parts. In these tests, physical properties of materials such as impact strength, ductility, ultimate tensile strength, fracture toughness and fatigue strength are determined. However, discontinuities and differences in material properties can be found more effectively only by non-destructive testing.
Today, non-destructive testing is a method used to ensure the integrity and reliability of production, control production processes, reduce production costs and maintain quality levels. This method is used to understand the quality of materials and joining processes during production and during production and assembly stages.
Today, the most widely used non-destructive testing methods are: acoustic emission test, electromagnetic test, guided wave test, laser test methods, leak test, microwave test, liquid penetrant test, magnetic particle test, radiographic test, thermal / infrared test, ultrasonic test, vibration analysis and visual testing.
In summary, non-destructive testing is a test method used to determine the properties of material, part, product, source or system without material deterioration of the integrity of the material being examined.
The standards that are taken as basis in the control and inspection works carried out by the competent authorities are as follows:
TS EN 1330 Nondestructive inspection - Terms and definitions
TS EN ISO 10893 Non-destructive testing of steel pipes
TS EN 12543 Non-destructive testing - Characteristics of focal points for the use of non-destructive testing of industrial x-ray systems
TS 13543 Non-destructive testing (NDT) methods for reinforced concrete structures
TS EN 1518 Non-destructive testing - Leak source test - Characteristics of mass spectrometer leak source detection devices
The application is received, the contract is followed and the organization, which product, vehicle and work equipment, what type of survey or inspection is determined.
An expert team is guided by the relevant examinations and the evaluations requested by the organization are performed NDT or visually.
The data obtained as a result of the inspection is evaluated by the expert auditors and the accredited inspection report is submitted to the company.
To get an appointment, to get more detailed information or to request an evaluation, you can ask us to fill in our form and reach you.