
Inspection of Elevators
Inspection> Specific Inspections

Inspection of Elevators

People have always sought ways to remove things. The first examples of such devices date back to the third century. Archimedes, a Greek mathematician and physicist, designed a lift that works with animals and water wheels using hemp rope.

Inspection of Elevators

However, the first elevators used today have been after the industrial revolution. In 1823, two British engineers built a platform to show tourists the London skyline. A few years later, this design was further enhanced by adding steam power, a belt and counterweight. However, it is undisputed that these early examples are dangerous and insecure.

In 1852, the American industrialist Otis used a revolutionary safety brake in vertical transport. In this way, even if the belts break, the cabin does not fall and remains in place. This first secured elevator was established in 1857 in New York. Today Otis is the largest elevator and escalator company in the world.

Today, the safe use of elevators depends on regular maintenance and annual inspections in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. These inspections are important not only to comply with legal regulations but also to the health and safety of employees and users. But inspections also provide important data to extend the service life of elevators. Provides early warning for possible problems in the future.

The standards that are taken as basis in the control and inspection works carried out by the competent authorities are as follows:

  • TS EN 13015 + A1 Maintenance of lifts and escalators - Rules for maintenance instructions

  • TS EN 81-3 Elevators - Safety regulations for construction and installation - Part 3: Electrical and hydraulic service lifts

  • TS EN 81-20 ... Section 20: Human and freight elevators

  • TS EN 81-80 ... Section 80: Rules for improving the safety of existing passenger and freight elevators

  • TS EN 60204-32 Safety in machinery - Electrical devices in machinery - Part 32: Requirements for hoisting machines

Our company also provides inspection of elevators within the scope of specific inspection services. Thanks to these services, enterprises are able to produce more efficient, high performance and quality products in a safe, fast and uninterrupted manner.
Inspection services for elevators provided within the scope of specific inspection services are only one of the services provided by our organization in this respect. Many other inspection services are also provided.

First Evaluation

The application is received, the contract is followed and the organization, which product, vehicle and work equipment, what type of survey or inspection is determined.


Preparation of Inspection Environment

An expert team is guided by the relevant examinations and the evaluations requested by the organization are performed NDT or visually.


Submission of the Report

The data obtained as a result of the inspection is evaluated by the expert auditors and the accredited inspection report is submitted to the company.


Specific Inspections

Contact Us

To get an appointment, to get more detailed information or to request an evaluation, you can ask us to fill in our form and reach you.

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