
Platform Periodic Control and Inspection
Inspection> Lifting and Conveying Equipment Inspection

Platform Periodic Control and Inspection

Platforms are also included in the group of lifting and transmitting vehicles. Elevated work platforms are generally manufactured in different sizes and shapes to suit the requirements of the enterprise. Features such as platform height, depth, step width and foot width are determined according to the demands of the enterprise.

Platform Periodic Control and Inspection

The work platform must have an approved design and meet a safe working load. The work platform must only be used under suitable conditions and only by authorized personnel. No cargo other than personnel and work equipment should be transported by platform.

Platforms must be equipped with secure hood connections and integrated protection systems as they are tools that allow working at height. In general, platforms that can be installed quickly and easily must have end-to-end railings and a slip-resistant deck during use.

Work platforms cover a wide range of equipment, from multi-purpose ladders for businesses to folding platforms to create longer work areas. The platforms offer both indoor and outdoor usage solutions and provide comfortable, safe and comfortable working for the employees.

According to the Regulation on Health and Safety in the Use of Work Equipment, platforms should be periodically checked and inspected at least once a year for the health of the employees and the safety of the enterprises.

The standards that are taken as basis in the control and inspection works carried out by the competent authorities are as follows:

  • TS EN 280 Upgradeable mobile work platforms - Design calculations - Balance criteria - Construction - Safety - Inspection and testing

  • TS EN 1495 + A2 Platforms - Columnar work platforms

  • Steel wire ropes - Safety - Section 12385: Operation and maintenance information

  • TS EN 818-6 + A1 Short link chain - For lifting purposes - Safety - Section 6: Chain slings - Technical specification for use and maintenance information to be supplied by the manufacturer

Our company provides platform periodic control and inspection services within the scope of lifting and transmission equipment inspection services. Thanks to these services, enterprises are able to produce more efficient, high performance and quality products in a safe, fast and uninterrupted manner.
Platform periodical control and inspection services provided within the scope of lifting and transmission equipment inspection services are only one of the services provided by our organization in this direction. Many other inspection services are also provided.

First Evaluation

The application is received, the contract is followed and the organization, which product, vehicle and work equipment, what type of survey or inspection is determined.


Preparation of Inspection Environment

An expert team is guided by the relevant examinations and the evaluations requested by the organization are performed NDT or visually.


Submission of the Report

The data obtained as a result of the inspection is evaluated by the expert auditors and the accredited inspection report is submitted to the company.


Lifting and Conveying Equipment Inspection

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