
Periodic Inspection and Inspection of Autoclave
Inspection > Pressure Vessels and Installations

Periodic Inspection and Inspection of Autoclave

Autoclaving is a sterilization method using high pressure steam. In this process, the steam of the boiling water is used under pressure. The word autoclave is derived from the Latin words auto meaning automatic and clavis meaning self-locking. Actually, the first autoclave is a pressure cooker. However, the first use of autoclaves for medical and scientific purposes was in the early 1880s.

Periodic Inspection and Inspection of Autoclave

The materials placed in the autoclave are exposed to gradual temperature increases under high pressure at a temperature of around 121 degrees, and then kept in steam for a while. The time and temperature required for the sterilization process vary depending on the materials to be sterilized and whether they are exposed directly to steam. During this time, all bacteria, viruses and bacterial spores are destroyed. In short, autoclaves are mainly used to destroy microorganisms.

Autoclaving is a very reliable method for the sterilization and decontamination of laboratory instruments, medical devices, surgical instruments and media.

Most clinics today have desktop autoclaves almost the size of a microwave oven. Larger autoclaves called horizontal autoclaves are used in hospitals. It is used for sterilization of equipment in operating rooms and emergency services. High temperature steam is the sterilizing agent of the autoclave.

The optimal steam composition in an autoclave is 97 percent gas and 3 percent liquid. Any change in humidity will prolong or reduce the sterilization time. Obtaining these values ​​and using the autoclave effectively at all times depends on regular controls.

The standards that are taken as basis in the control and inspection works carried out by the competent authorities are as follows:

  • TS EN 13060 + A1 Small steam sterilizers

  • TS EN 285 Sterilization - Steam autoclaves - Large autoclaves

  • TS EN ISO 11140-1 Sterilization of healthcare equipment - Chemical indicators - Part 1: General properties

  • TS EN 12347 Biotechnology - Performance criteria for steam sterilizers and autoclaves

Our company also provides autoclave periodic control and inspection services within the scope of pressure vessels and installations inspection services. Thanks to these services, businesses make more efficient, high-performance and quality production in a safe, fast and uninterrupted manner.
Autoclave periodic control and inspection services provided within the scope of pressure vessels and installations inspection services are only one of the services provided by our organization in this regard. Apart from this, many other inspection services are also provided.

First Evaluation

The application is received, the contract is followed and the organization, which product, vehicle and work equipment, what type of survey or inspection is determined.


Preparation of Inspection Environment

An expert team is guided by the relevant examinations and the evaluations requested by the organization are performed NDT or visually.


Submission of the Report

The data obtained as a result of the inspection is evaluated by the expert auditors and the accredited inspection report is submitted to the company.


Pressure Vessels and Installations

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