
Periodic Inspection and Inspection of Boiler Rooms
Inspection > Pressure Vessels and Installations

Periodic Inspection and Inspection of Boiler Rooms

The place where the boiler rooms will be installed, construction features, usage conditions and security measures to be taken in the buildings with heating are included in the relevant legal regulations and domestic and foreign standards.

Periodic Inspection and Inspection of Boiler Rooms

For example, when designing boiler rooms, it should be separated from the other parts of the building by at least 2 hour resistant compartments, there should be at least one or two exit doors depending on their thermal capacities, these doors should be in opposite direction to each other as much as possible and should be smoke-proof and self-closing feature. In addition, the boiler room must comply with the standards and technical specifications for natural gas installation, project, material selection and installation.

Mainly in a boiler room there are the following elements: boilers, fuel tanks and systems, chimneys and smoke ducts, pumps, collectors, valves, main distribution and collection pipes, safety pipes and equipment such as expansion tanks, boilers, heat exchangers and hydrophores, waste water expenses and boiler maintenance room.

There should be no floors on the boiler rooms where first class boilers are used. Boiler rooms must be at least 20 meters away from residential areas. In boiler rooms where second class boilers are used, this distance is 10 meters.

Depending on the strength of an accident, a tear surface must be constructed to prevent damage to the building in the event of an explosion. This surface may be on the side walls or ceiling of the boiler room.

Boiler rooms, chimney and installation properties of boilers in natural gas usage are subject to certain rules in standards published by Turkish Standards Institute and in regulations of gas administration.

Boiler rooms, chimneys and installation features are also included in the standards in liquid fuel use. Boiler rooms must be observed and maintained regularly for safe and efficient use.

Our company also provides periodical control and inspection services of boiler rooms within the scope of pressure vessels and installations inspection services. Thanks to these services, enterprises are able to produce more efficient, high performance and quality products in a safe, fast and uninterrupted manner.
Periodical control and inspection services of boiler rooms within the scope of pressure vessels and installations inspection services are only one of the services provided by our organization in this regard. Many other inspection services are also provided.

First Evaluation

The application is received, the contract is followed and the organization, which product, vehicle and work equipment, what type of survey or inspection is determined.


Preparation of Inspection Environment

An expert team is guided by the relevant examinations and the evaluations requested by the organization are performed NDT or visually.


Submission of the Report

The data obtained as a result of the inspection is evaluated by the expert auditors and the accredited inspection report is submitted to the company.


Pressure Vessels and Installations

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