Generally used in production or scientific research, the cleanroom is a controlled environment with low levels of pollutants such as airborne microbes, dusts, aerosol particles and chemical vapors. Certainly a clean room has a certain particle size per cubic meter and a controlled level of contamination.
Clean rooms are practically used in all sectors where small particles in the air can adversely affect the production process. Although it varies in size and complexity, it is widely used in industries with critical process production such as pharmacy, biotechnology, medical equipment and life sciences, aerospace, and optics.
A clean room is an area in which particulate contamination is reduced and other environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity and pressure are kept under control. In general, High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter is used in these areas to capture particles of certain sizes. All the air supplied to the clean room passes through these filters. Ultra high particulate air (ULPA, Ultra Low Particulate Air) filters are used when high cleaning performance is required.
Two important standards have been developed that describe clean room criteria. One of these is the BS 5295 Cleanroom standard developed by the British Standards Institute (BSI). The other is the ISO14644 Cleanroom standard developed by the International Standards Organization (ISO). These standards are followed in tests and measurements performed by advanced laboratories. In our country, this standard has been published under the title of TS EN ISO 14644 Clean rooms and related controlled environments.
Clean room design covers the entire air distribution system, including adequate airflow and air returns. The important thing is to create an enclosed space in which airborne particles and pollutants are kept within solid limits. In the standards, clean room properties for particulate matter are defined by the maximum particle diameter as well as the maximum number of particles allowed per unit volume. For non-particulate contaminants, the maximum concentration in microbes or molecules per cubic meter is specified.
The application is received, the contract and then the product, vehicle and vehicles for which, what kind of service is determined exactly.
The necessary laboratory environment is prepared and the products, tools and instruments requested by the organization are tested by experts with the reference of the existing standards and measurements are made.
The data obtained as a result of meticulously completed tests, measurements and analyzes are evaluated and accredited approved reports are submitted by expert engineers.
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