The earth is getting warmer. The average temperature of the Earth's surface has increased by approximately 0.85 degrees in the last hundred years. This is mainly due to the use of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas in the production of energy and vehicles, the destruction of carbon-absorbing forests, and the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has reached a record level.
As a result of global warming, compared to the beginning of the 1980 years, a glacial area of almost ten times the size of the UK has melted, and the sea level has risen by an average of nineteen centimeters worldwide since the 1900.
In the near future, fresh water resources will be insufficient, the number of disasters caused by floods, storms, heatwaves and droughts will increase and the poorest countries will suffer the most.
More than 70 of greenhouse gas emissions is caused by the 10 developed country. First of all, these countries should return to green energy before it is too late. In the opinion of scientists, if the average temperature increases by more than 2, this will lead to serious and dangerous climate change that will especially hit the poor.
Again in the opinion of scientists, if the countries do not do anything in 2100, the average temperature of the world 4-5 will rise. If current policies are followed, the 3-4 rating will increase. The average temperature 2-3 will increase by the national climate plans presented in the reduction of emissions in recent years. In fact, it is important to remember that even an increase of 2 degrees will lead to significant and dangerous climate change.
When the greenhouse effect is mentioned, it is understood that the earth atmosphere captures some of the harmful rays coming from the sun. Energy from the sun is absorbed by atmospheric greenhouse gases. Without this effect, the Earth would have been extremely colder than 30, and life would not have happened.
Greenhouse gas emissions by types are as follows: 57 percent of carbon dioxide caused by fossil fuels, 17 percent of methane gas, 14 percent of methane gas, 8 percent of nitrogen oxides, 4 percent of the other.
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