
Belt Tests
Laboratory> Industrial Testing

Belt Tests

Seat belts are vehicle safety equipment designed to minimize the risk of injury and death to the driver and passengers in the event of an impact on motor vehicles. If motor vehicles stop suddenly or accelerate suddenly, a large amount of force is exerted on the people in it. Seat belts help to reduce the effects of this force.

Belt Tests

In a frontal collision, the speed of the car suddenly drops, and in a frontal collision the car accelerates forward. In both cases the seatbelts act as protective. The seatbelts help to spread forces in the body as a result of a sudden stop.

In this case, the seatbelt suddenly locks and prevents the driver from colliding with the steering column or from being fully ejected from the vehicle. When used in combination with the airbags, the effectiveness of the seatbelts in preventing serious injuries during a collision increases. Therefore, in order to prevent serious and fatal injuries in the event of a collision, most safety belts are a very effective safety measure.

In addition, the seat belts are a great safety measure, especially for those who have to work at height. Where it is not possible to set up another safety net, using a seat belt is a serious option to protect employees against falling.

In almost every sector, there are areas where employees are exposed to falling hazards. Body belts used for safety purposes are equipment that is fixed around the waist and used only to position the employee.

The following are a few standards that are based on belt testing by competent authorities:

  • TS 199 Road vehicles - Motor vehicles - Seat belts

  • TS EN 1497 Fall protection - Rescue belts

  • TS EN 813 Personal fall protection - Lower seat belts

  • TS EN 358 Personal protective equipment - To ensure working safety at a certain height and to prevent falling - Holding systems, belts and ropes for working position

Our company also provides belt testing services within the scope of industrial testing services. Thanks to these services, enterprises are able to produce more efficient, high performance and quality products in a safe, fast and uninterrupted manner.
Belt testing services provided within the scope of industrial testing services are only one of the services provided by our organization in this respect. Many other industrial testing services are also available.

First Evaluation

The application is received, the contract and then the product, vehicle and vehicles for which, what kind of service is determined exactly.


Preparation of Test Medium

The necessary laboratory environment is prepared and the products, tools and instruments requested by the organization are tested by experts with the reference of the existing standards and measurements are made.


Submission of the Report

The data obtained as a result of meticulously completed tests, measurements and analyzes are evaluated and accredited approved reports are submitted by expert engineers.


Industrial Tests

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