
Fertilizer Tests
Laboratory> Industrial Testing

Fertilizer Tests

Fertilizers are a source of nutrients for plants. For plants to survive and grow, there must be seventeen essential nutrients in the soil. The main macro nutrients are nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sulfur, magnesium, oxygen, hydrogen and carbon. Micronutrients are iron, boron, chlorine, manganese, zinc, copper, molybdenum and nickel.

Fertilizer Tests

Fertilizers that are thrown into the soil after each harvest help to supplement these nutrients. Nitrogen, phosphate, potassium and sulfur are the four most important nutrients to ensure high yields from soil and sustainable food production. As plants grow, they absorb these nutrients from the soil and leave the soil less fertile. With fertilization, these lost nutritional values ​​are completed.

Both organic and mineral fertilizers are used to renew and strengthen the soil. The nutrient content of organic fertilizers is lower than that of mineral fertilizers that have a concentrated and tightly controlled nutrient content. Fertilizers are prepared from natural elements.

All nutrients found in different fertilizers are nutrients found in nature. The most common nutrients in mineral fertilizers are nitrogen, potassium and phosphate. Without fertilizer, the soil is exhausted and the plants do not grow.

Fertilizers are not used to combat pests. Pesticides are synthetic or natural chemicals used to control pests. However, fertilizers are used to ensure the growth of crops, and the role of fertilizers is to provide the right nutrient balance to the soil, increase yield and obtain healthy products. Fertilizers do not alter the natural composition of plants.

The following are a few standards that are based on fertilizer tests carried out by the competent authorities:

  • TS 3740 EN 1236 Fertilizers - Determination of bulk density

  • TS EN 13299 Fertilizers - Determination of flow rate

  • TS EN 12944 Fertilizers and calcifying agents - Terms and recipes

  • TS 836 Fertilizers - Ammonium nitrate

  • TS 13031 Fertilizers - Potassium nitrate

Our company also provides fertilizer testing services within the scope of industrial testing services. Thanks to these services, enterprises are able to produce more efficient, high performance and quality products in a safe, fast and uninterrupted manner.
Fertilizer testing services provided within the scope of industrial testing services are only one of the services provided by our organization in this respect. Many other industrial testing services are also available.

First Evaluation

The application is received, the contract and then the product, vehicle and vehicles for which, what kind of service is determined exactly.


Preparation of Test Medium

The necessary laboratory environment is prepared and the products, tools and instruments requested by the organization are tested by experts with the reference of the existing standards and measurements are made.


Submission of the Report

The data obtained as a result of meticulously completed tests, measurements and analyzes are evaluated and accredited approved reports are submitted by expert engineers.


Industrial Tests

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