
NON-GMO Certificate
Certification> Specific Certification

NON-GMO Certificate

What is NON-GMO Certificate?

GMO is an acronym for English Genetically Modified Organisms. When a genetically modified organism is mentioned, a plant, animal, microorganism or other organism which is modified in the laboratory by means of its genetic structure, genetic engineering science and technologies is meant. These organisms are a combination of plant, animal, bacterial and virus genes that do not occur in natural conditions in nature.

NON-GMO Certificate

Genetic modification studies affect many of the products people consume on a daily basis. Today, the number of GMOs for commercial use is increasing day by day. Therefore, within the framework of the project called NON-GMO, new standards are designed to verify that the products are not genetically modified.

To determine if any product is NON-GMO, three different risk levels have been identified:

  • High level of risk: Here, the products are produced by a process involving genetically modified and commercially available organisms. For example, alfalfa, canola, corn, cotton, soy, sugar beet, pumpkin, animal products, germs and enzymes, and potatoes are high-risk products.

  • Low level of risk: The products are not produced here by a process that includes genetically modified and commercially available organisms. For example, lentils, spinach, tomatoes, sesame seeds and avocados are low-risk products.

  • No risk level: The products are not derived from biological organisms and therefore do not involve genetic modification.

  • Monitored risk level: Here the development of new genetically modified products is monitored by the NON-GMO project. Today, around 100 products are being followed. The main products to be affected by GMO contamination are: flax, rice, wheat, apple, mushroom, orange, pineapple, salmon, sugar cane and tomato.

There are only a few genetically modified products that are widely available. However, since they are often overprocessed in various components, their risk levels are high. The following high-risk components are often found in packaged products: amino acids, alcohol, aspartame, citric acid, natural and artificial sweeteners, high fructose corn syrup, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, lactic acid, molasses, sucrose, textured vegetable protein, vitamins, vinegar and yeast products.

In summary, GMO (genetically modified organisms) refers to genetically modified plants, animals and other organisms altered in non-naturally occurring ways. NON-GMO states that foodstuffs are made without components derived from genetically modified organisms. For example, if NON-GMO is claimed for meat, poultry, dairy products and eggs, it is said that animals do not receive a diet containing genetically processed products.

Today, there is no common standard for processed foods, vegetable foods, eggs and dairy products that determine that they are NON-GMOs. For this reason, the NON-GMO project has assumed a major function. This project requires companies to comply with a common standard for meat and poultry while claiming to be genetically modified non-organisms. However, today there is no practice for farm supervision.

What is NON-GMO Certificate?

NON-GMO, genetically unmodified labeling, is an important labeling. This is because environmental and sustainability advantages of growing food and offering it to consumers are great. For companies to claim that their products are non-GMO, it does not always mean that third parties confirm them. If the third party has confirmed and confirmed this situation, information should be sought on the label to ensure this.

For example, the ”organic” label on the products inspires consumer confidence and proves that a number of certification programs have been implemented. Therefore, the labels on products that are approved under the NON-GMO project, such as organic or biodynamic, are programs with strong standards for non-GMO foodstuffs. However, only the labels on the products, such as GMO does not exist or natural labels do not give consumers confidence.

Why is NON-GMO Certificate Important?

Genetically modified organisms have been cultivated in the US, especially since 1996. Today the seeds of corn, soybeans, rapeseed (to make canola oil) and the majority of sugar beets are genetically modified. These products are known to be tolerant to the use of herbicides. During herbicide use, not only harmful plants but also main crops are damaged. However, the genetics of these products are manipulated to ensure that they are not affected by such chemical drugs.

Similarly, another feature designed genetically for plants is the ability to withstand pests. In this embodiment, the genes of the plant have been transferred from the soil bacteria which produce a protein that is toxic to insects. In this way the plants produce their own insecticide.

Herbicide tolerance and pest resistance represent 99 in almost percent of the characteristics of genetically engineered products on the market today.


Today, more than 60 countries around the world, including Australia, Japan and the European Union, require the labeling of genetically modified foods. Genetically modified organisms have not been labeled in the US to date. However, with the National Bioengineering Food Information Standard published in December of 2018, mandatory GMO labeling has also started in the USA. At least some of the products with GMO must be labeled by 2022.

Many of the packaged foods for today, foods produced from corn, soy, canola and sugar beet, and almost all plants grown in North America, have been genetically altered.

The NON-GMO project also considers animal products, beekeeping and aquaculture at high risk. Genetically modified components are also present in animal feeds. In this case, eggs, milk, meat, honey and seafood are affected.

Genetically modified foods concern consumers with their impact on the environment and human and animal health. Today, many countries have imposed limits on genetically modified compounds. Mandatory labeling is carried out in foods containing genetically modified components above a certain limit.

In order to provide transparency in the supply of non-GMO materials, many different certification programs are implemented. The most common of these is the NON-GMO project.

Today, consumers are paying more attention to what's going on in food than ever before. There is increasing demand for transparency in genetically modified organisms and genetically modified foods. This brings certification responsibility to manufacturers and retailers.

In order to save time and cost to the enterprises and to minimize the disruptions in their activities, certification services are provided within the scope of the NON-GMO project. Due to the complexity of the subject and scientific research, it is important that the firms receive support from impartial and independent organizations. In this process, training and awareness raising of the employees within the scope of certification activities are provided.

As a result, with the NON-GMO Certificate, businesses increase their market share and adapt more easily to new opportunities in the market. It can also reach global non-GMO markets in this way. Comprehensive risk management is applied in the enterprise and the sense of trust in consumers increases. Rapid compliance with the changing legal regulations is ensured and the obligations arising from the legal regulations are complied with.

Our company provides NON-GMO Certificate certification services to its customers with a strong technological infrastructure and trained and experienced expert staff.
While providing these certification services, our organization complies with the standards published by domestic and foreign organizations, methods accepted in every part of the world and the legal regulations in force and provides a quality, fast, perfect and reliable service.

First Evaluation

First, it is determined whether the organization meets the mandatory requirements of the standard and whether to proceed to the next stage.


Preparation of Documents

It is checked whether necessary procedures and audits have been developed and your institution's readiness for evaluation is reviewed.


Issue of Document

The findings that arise in the first two stages are evaluated and after all corrective actions are reviewed, document preparation is started.


Specific Certification

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