
GSO 2055-1 Halal Food Certificate
Certification> Specific Certification

GSO 2055-1 Halal Food Certificate

The GSO is the GCC Standardization Organization, a regional organization consisting of the national standards bodies of the GCC member states. One of the main functions of GSO is to issue standards and technical regulations through special technical committees.

The GCC is the Gulf Cooperation Council, the political and economic alliance of six countries in the Arabian Peninsula (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates). Established in 1981, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) promotes economic, security, cultural and social cooperation between these countries and meets every year to discuss cooperation and regional issues.

GSO 2055-1 Halal Food Certificate

The GSO 2055-1 standard defines halal food requirements to be followed at any stage of the halal food chain, including receiving, preparation, packaging, labeling, handling, shipping, distribution, storage, display and halal food service. This part of the GSO 2055 Halal food standard contains general requirements. The second part of the standard includes the general requirements for halal certification bodies, and the third part contains general requirements for halal accreditation bodies that accredit halal certification bodies.

Halal food is food and beverages that are allowed to be eaten, drunk, injected or inhaled according to Islamic rules. These must comply with the criteria in this standard.

All foods, their derivatives, parts and extracts are subject to Islamic principles in terms of permits or prohibitions in the standard appendix.

All food additives and raw materials used for halal food production should not contain any non-halal ingredients. This must be supported by legal documents describing the components, including packaging materials.

None of the halal foodstuffs should contain toxic substances and dangerous pollutants that are considered harmful to health.

All halal food should be free from contamination prohibited by Islamic rules. It is haram to eat and drink objects that are considered impure according to Islam.

All non-halal products must be kept completely separate from halal products throughout the food chain so that they do not mix with each other or become contaminated.

All devices, tools, production lines and related materials used to prepare halal food must be clean and free from non-halal materials.

With the experience gained over many years, our organization also provides GSO 2055-1 Halal Food Certificate services to the demanding enterprises within the framework of laboratory services of materials with a trained and expert staff.


First Evaluation

First, it is determined whether the organization meets the mandatory requirements of the standard and whether to proceed to the next stage.


Preparation of Documents

It is checked whether necessary procedures and audits have been developed and your institution's readiness for evaluation is reviewed.


Issue of Document

The findings that arise in the first two stages are evaluated and after all corrective actions are reviewed, document preparation is started.


Specific Certification

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