Gluten is the sticky substance that remains after starch is removed from the flour of the cereals. Gluten is the ingredient that forms the reticulated structure of the dough during bread making. Thanks to gluten, the dough gains strength. Without gluten, it is not possible to ferment and swell the bread.
Gluten is the protein group in wheat that contains the most flour values. Wet gluten value in flour is between 28-32 and this value is considered ideal. In case of deficiency, desired values are obtained by mixing with good wheat or adding dry gluten.
Gluten has become more popular in recent years because it requires sensitivity in some disease groups. Gluten sometimes causes allergic reactions in the body due to the high proteins it contains. In the food sector, gluten is added to some foodstuffs besides bread making. Recently, however, it has been identified that it causes great harm to celiac patients and restrictions on its use in foodstuffs have been introduced or completely abolished.
Gluten is a flexible and adherent protein group. When proteins are linked to each other, they have a flexible structure. Bakers therefore use gluten as a kind of scaffold in bread production. When the bread is heated, gluten proteins soften and crumble. The bubbles and gaps in the bread after cooking are the ingenuity of gluten. People who do not want to consume gluten get the same nutritional value from foods such as potatoes, corn flour and brown rice.
In recent years, the gluten free market has been growing rapidly and new products are introduced daily. But people are rightly skeptical about the safety and reliability of these demands. The sources of this suspicion are: harms of consuming gluten-free products, recalling products due to incorrect labeling, the presence of a wide range of gluten-free logos on products, and inconsistencies in legal regulations and standards defining the concept of gluten-free.
To date, the approval of recognized and trusted celiac organizations has been an additional trust factor for consumers who buy gluten-free products. Today, official incentives are provided to manufacturers in the US and European Union countries. This increases the demand for gluten-free foodstuffs.
In order to eliminate the concerns of consumers, manufacturers also have Gluten-Free certification for their products and try to prove to consumers that the products are reliable. Simply, the Gluten-Free Certificate proves the absence of gluten in foodstuffs.
Today, more than a million people buy gluten-free products in the US. Food companies receive Gluten-Free Certificate and declare their commitment to produce safe and reliable gluten-free products for consumers.
The Gluten-Free Certificate is a reliable program that helps clarify risks and reduce risks in highly complex and misunderstood certification efforts today. This program is based on standards published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
Companies that have Gluten-Free Certificate reduce their risks first and foremost. The Gulten-Free program is based on standards based on requirements based on world-renowned and science-based food safety protocols.
The Gluten-Free Certificate supports companies to improve their business. This document activates relationships with manufacturers, other brands, retailers and consumers and provides access to the growing gluten-free market.
One benefit of the Gluten-Free Certificate is that it builds trust and loyalty to consumers. It is important to build trust and brand loyalty in consumers who have to follow a gluten-free diet for life.
In the gluten-free food market, companies need to show sensitivity in brand communication and advertising activities. Otherwise, it is possible to stay out of the market and wear out brand credibility.
The first steps in the world for gluten-free food have been taken by the Gluten-Free Certification Organization (GFCO). Standards designed by this organization are used today by certification bodies around the world.
This standard has been developed for all manufacturers, retailers, food service providers and farmers who have to produce in accordance with the regulations and international food codex for gluten-free foodstuffs. This standard is also based on the HACCP Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points System standard.
Meanwhile, some standards have been developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). These standards have been published by Turkish Standards Institute (TSE) under the following headings:
TS EN ISO 21415-1 Wheat and wheat flour - Gluten content - Part 1: Determination of wet gluten by hand washing method
TS EN ISO 21415-2 ... Chapter 2: Determination of wet gluten and gluten index by mechanical method
TS EN ISO 21415-3 ... Chapter 3: Determination of dry gluten from wet gluten by oven drying
TS EN ISO 21415-4 ... Chapter 4: Determination of dry gluten from wet gluten by fast drying method
TS 13143 Foods - Gluten reduced and gluten-free
All production processes of foodstuffs are taken into account in certification activities. The certification process takes into account many details, from risk assessment studies to production plant inspections, and includes many test and analysis studies in production plants.
Many people today suffer from celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. There is no definitive treatment for people suffering from such disorders. The most effective way to combat these conditions is to take a strict gluten-free diet.
However, the market is so confused that there are a wide variety of gluten-free labels on foodstuffs. This naturally confuses people. Producing the right products that people can rely on can only be achieved with a correctly applied Gluten-Free program.
The Gluten-Free program is a program created to test, evaluate and approve gluten-free production activities and products of manufacturers. It is based entirely on scientific data and is a voluntary certification program. While designing this standard, opinions were exchanged with consumer and industrial associations, manufacturers, retailers and governmental organizations.
The main objectives of the Gluten-Free program are as follows:
Giving consumers clear and safe information and helping them make safe gluten-free product choices
Provide easy access to gluten-free products
Extend the scope of existing gluten-free products
To raise awareness among medical doctors and practitioners
To be trusted by consumers looking for gluten-free products
Foods that receive Gluten-Free Certification are produced in a facility that has successfully passed a reliable, impartial and independent third-party inspection. With these audits, the company's ability to produce gluten-free products is verified in accordance with the above-mentioned standards.
Today, gluten is widely used not only in food industry but also in pharmaceutical and cosmetic sectors with its thickener, adhesive and moisture retaining properties. In addition, gluten is used to extend the shelf life of the products. However, the main importance of gluten is revealed by celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. Celiac disease is very common in our country (one in every 100).
First, it is determined whether the organization meets the mandatory requirements of the standard and whether to proceed to the next stage.
It is checked whether necessary procedures and audits have been developed and your institution's readiness for evaluation is reviewed.
The findings that arise in the first two stages are evaluated and after all corrective actions are reviewed, document preparation is started.
To get an appointment, to get more detailed information or to request an evaluation, you can ask us to fill in our form and reach you.