
FAMI-QS Certification
Certification> Specific Certification

FAMI-QS Certification

The FAMI-QS system is a global quality and feed safety management system for the specialty feed industry. This system is derived from Feed Additive and preMIxture Quality System, the abbreviation FAMI-QS, which is designed by the European Feed Additives Manufacturers Association to ensure compliance with laws, protect feed safety and improve feed quality within the scope of feed safety challenge.

FAMI-QS Certificate

In order to protect the health and safety of consumers in the European Union countries, many food regulations have been published. However, in recent years, these regulations have become quite complex. Because of animal feeds, many food safety crises have been experienced. In order to ensure compliance with these regulations and to improve feed safety and quality, the establishment of a certification system has become a necessity.

Companies engaged in feed trade, producing feed or producing feed additives or premixes must ensure the quality, safety and legality of their products. In this respect, the FAMI-QS standard addresses feed safety, legality and quality according to EU animal feed regulations. This standard covers both quality and feed safety management systems, traceability, compliance with regulatory requirements and many other areas.

Our organization is accredited by FAMI-QS and with its FAMI-QS certification services, it supports all suppliers in the feed supply chain to meet high quality, health, safety and environmental compliance standards.

The FAMI-QS website provides free access to standard details, a good practice guide approved by the European Union authorities and process descriptions on how to obtain documents. The important point here is that FAMI-QS only gives documents to its members. Therefore, the companies that will receive this certificate are required to complete the membership application form on FAMI-QS website.

In order to obtain FAMI-QS certificate, the feed additives suppliers they work with must also be FAMI-QS certified. On the FAMI-QS website, a list of certified companies is constantly updated. The validity of a document can be easily checked here.

In short, the FAMI-QS standard is designed for companies that produce feed additives and suppliers in the feed industry. This management system ensures compliance with the feed hygiene directive 183 / 2005 for feed additives and premixers. This standard provides a system for good production practices in feed safety.

It is designed to include all components to ensure safety and good hygiene throughout the food production chain. The assessment provides an opportunity for manufacturers and suppliers of feed components to demonstrate the safety of their processes and their compliance with FAMI-QS requirements.

The main advantages of FAMI-QS certification companies are:

  • FAMI-QS requirements and protection of corresponding markets
  • Increased confidence of customers and retailers in the organization's ability to perform
  • Integration of the most modern processes of hazard analysis, risk assessment and preventive strategies into the existing management system
  • Increased risk of product safety and reduced product liability
  • To summarize, the FAMI-QS standard considers the safety, quality and regulatory compliance of specific feed ingredients and mixtures thereof as follows:
  • Minimizing the risk of unsafe special feed ingredients and mixtures thereof entering the feed and food chain
  • To ensure that companies in the supply chain meet the objectives of the Feed Hygiene Directive 183 / 2005 / EC, and
  • Encourage measures to ensure that other feed safety regulatory requirements are met

The FAMI-QS quality and feed safety management system follows the same general structure as other ISO management system standards and can be easily integrated with other management systems such as ISO 9001 Quality Management System and ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System.

The latest version of the FAMI-QS standard (FAMI-QS Code Version 6) focuses on risk-oriented thinking and process approach. Two pillars of this version stand out: quality and feed safety. In this latest revision, the requirements of the previous version were rearranged in parallel with ISO standards, and in some cases, the requirements were discussed in more detail. This allows companies to avoid further misinterpretations, while guiding firms further on the implementation of certain requirements.

Our company also provides FAMI-QS certification services within the scope of certification services. Thanks to these services, companies in the supplier chain are producing higher quality, efficient and high performance. In addition to FAMI-QS certification services, our organization also provides other certification services.


First Evaluation

First, it is determined whether the organization meets the mandatory requirements of the standard and whether to proceed to the next stage.


Preparation of Documents

It is checked whether necessary procedures and audits have been developed and your institution's readiness for evaluation is reviewed.


Issue of Document

The findings that arise in the first two stages are evaluated and after all corrective actions are reviewed, document preparation is started.


Specific Certification

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