Today, consumer and environmental concerns have become dominant in terms of products on the market. In this case, it is important for manufacturers to have a reliable quality assurance system for ecological products. These quality systems aim to remove all harmful substances at the beginning of production activities and thus prevent any contamination in the production processes.
Producers operating in the food sector need to raise their eco production levels through certification programs. For this, production processes and products must meet strict criteria and be strictly inspected.
The nutritional system is now very disrupted. Consumers no longer trust what they eat. Malnutrition affects lives even where everything goes well, and millions of people around the world continue to starve day by day. Furthermore, the concentration of chemicals and industrial and agricultural methods used throughout the world pose an enormous threat.
Ecological farming studies combine modern science and innovation with respect for nature and biodiversity. These studies are aimed at making healthy agriculture and obtaining healthy food. Soil, water and climates need to be protected. The natural environment should not be contaminated with chemical inputs. Furthermore, genetically engineered products pose a threat to human health and the natural environment.
Issues such as human health and human rights, rural and urban food consumption and waste and equity in resource allocation are closely linked to many other elements of food production and consumption. In recent years, concepts such as organic agriculture, locally produced foodstuffs and ecological agriculture have been strengthened against traditional agricultural methods. These approaches find great support especially in developed countries.
Today it is experiencing a damaged food system. This situation needs to change urgently for the future of the earth and the people. The problem today is not to produce more food, but to produce the most needed foods in a respectful way to nature. However, traditional agricultural methods do not provide this. On the other hand, natural resources are over-exploited and soil fertility, biodiversity and water quality decrease. Toxic substances accumulate more and waste amounts increase in nature. On the other hand, there are serious climate changes.
Traditional agricultural systems depend on the use of large quantities of chemicals as well as fossil fuels. Agricultural activities are controlled by large companies located in several parts of the world, especially in rich and industrialized countries. In addition, agricultural activities have focused on several important products that undermine the foundation of sustainable food and ecological systems. In this way, soil and air are polluted and damaged. Biodiversity is decreasing and the health and welfare of both producers and consumers are undermined. These negative developments have reduced the ability of farmers and consumers to choose how and where to grow food. High levels of waste have started to occur in food chains and post-harvest losses have increased especially in developing countries.
In addition, negative impacts on ecosystems have started to increase. Dangerous climate changes are being experienced with the increase of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. In many parts of the world, water scarcity and water pollution are caused. Due to the excessive use of chemical fertilizers, organic materials in the soil are lost and soil quality deteriorates. From the genetic diversity of the products to the loss of species richness, biological and agricultural diversity is extinct.
The production of the enterprises according to the ECOmark standards and the obtaining of the ECOmark Certificate will be able to prevent all these negative trends and prevent the destruction of the earth. Thanks to these standards, the products do not harm the natural environment at all or the damage they cause is within certain limits. As a result, production activities are carried out in accordance with natural conditions. In case of waste, they disappear spontaneously in the natural environment in a short time.
The ECOmark standard has been designed taking into account the adverse effects of climate conditions, biodiversity and traditional agricultural activities in our country. This standard is based on the following standards published by the Turkish Standards Institute (TSE):
TS EN ISO 14020 Environmental labels and declarations - General principles (this standard describes the basic principles for environmental labels and declarations.
TS EN ISO 14024 Environmental labels and declarations - Type 1: Environmental labeling - Principles and methods (this standard covers the basic principles and procedures for the development of type 1 environmental labeling programs).
In the European Union countries, the Environmental Label System or Eco-Label System was first introduced in 1992. This application was modified as the Eco-Label Directive 2010 / 66 / EC in 2010. When designing the ECOmark standard, the principles of this directive are also taken into consideration. In fact, the directive focuses on the whole life cycle of ecological products and sets criteria for product groups in order to reduce the negative impacts of production activities and products on nature in these processes. While determining these product groups, the sales volumes of the products in the market and their impact on the local and global environment in the production, consumption and waste processes are taken into consideration.
Ecological agricultural activities support a world where the food chain, including producers and consumers, is controlled not only by companies. In fact, he is interested in the way the products are produced and by whom.
Ecological farming promotes safe, healthy and economically viable methods and contributes to rural development by benefiting farmers and rural communities.
Ecological farming is closely related to the diversity of nature, from seed to the consumer's table and in all agricultural areas. In this respect, its contribution to the preservation of bioethics is undeniable.
ECOmark application also contributes to sustainable soil health and clean water. It is possible to increase soil fertility without using chemicals. Thanks to this application, soils are protected from erosion, pollution and acidification. Often, the amount of organic matter in the soil is increased, the water retention power is increased and the soil is prevented from pollution.
First, it is determined whether the organization meets the mandatory requirements of the standard and whether to proceed to the next stage.
It is checked whether necessary procedures and audits have been developed and your institution's readiness for evaluation is reviewed.
The findings that arise in the first two stages are evaluated and after all corrective actions are reviewed, document preparation is started.
To get an appointment, to get more detailed information or to request an evaluation, you can ask us to fill in our form and reach you.