ISO 3834 A series of standards for quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials are the international standards used so far to certify welded manufacturing management systems. ISO 3834 standard is designed to be used in all kinds of fusion welded manufacturing works.
For example, enterprises engaged in welded construction or those operating in chemical, petrochemical, power generation, steel and similar plants may apply the ISO 3834 standard.
The ISO 3834 Welded Manufacturing Competence Management System standard may be sufficient for enterprises that want to organize and manage the quality of welding operations. However, this standard does not replace the ISO 9001 Quality Management System standard. It is generally recommended to use with ISO 9001 standard.
In fact, welding as a special process is related to the quality of products that cannot be directly controlled, but must be met during production. For this purpose, special controls are required before, during and after production.
The International Organization for Standards (ISO) is an organization that develops standards worldwide. International standards are normally designed through ISO technical committees. Other international organizations participate in the studies when necessary. The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a sub-body on all matters related to electrotechnical standardization.
The ISO 3834 Welded Manufacturing Competence Management System standard has been prepared by the technical committee by combining the requirements in the field of metal welding. This standard consists of the following subsections under the quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials:
Section 1: Criteria for selecting the appropriate level of quality requirements
Section 2: Comprehensive quality requirements
Section 3: Standard quality requirements
Section 4: Basic quality requirements
Section 5: Documents required to comply with the ISO 3834-2, ISO 3834-3 or ISO 3834-4 quality claim
Meanwhile, the same technical committee is preparing a guideline for the implementation of Section 6: ISO 3834.
By evaluating and certifying welded manufacturing enterprises in accordance with ISO 3834 standard by an independent and impartial third-party certification body, businesses receive numerous benefits. By applying this standard, enterprises give more assurance to customers in order to provide products of the desired quality. Because it fully meets the requirements of ISO 9001 Quality Management System for welded production.
Faulty activities are prevented, work repetitions are prevented and situations requiring repair and repair are reduced. In this way, all activities are completed within the specified periods. Therefore, welding activities are coordinated more efficiently and operating costs are reduced. Different jobs with different features can be offered more easily. In this case, the reputation of the company increases in domestic and foreign markets and is one step ahead in the struggle with its competitors.
Processes such as fusion welding are widely used in the production of many products. In some enterprises, it is the key feature of production. Products can be simple or complex. For example, the production of pressure vessels, some household appliances, agricultural equipment, cranes, bridges and transportation vehicles are all jobs that require resources. These processes have serious effects on the production cost and the quality of the product. It is therefore necessary to ensure that these operations are performed in the most appropriate and effective manner and that appropriate controls are carried out at each stage of the operations.
It is important to determine the quality requirements for welding processes. Because the quality of these operations cannot be easily verified. Even the most comprehensive and complex non-destructive tests do not improve the quality of the product. In order to avoid serious problems in production, controls should be provided from design stage to material selection, from production to finished product. A bad design can create serious and costly challenges. Incorrect material selection may cause problems such as cracking of welded joints. In order to produce healthy and efficient production, it is necessary to understand and evaluate the issues that may be problematic and to establish appropriate procedures for controls.
The Turkish Standards Institute published a series of standards for Welded Manufacturing Qualification Management System in our country with the following headings:
TS EN ISO 3834-1 Quality requirements for the melting of metallic materials - Part 1: Criteria for selecting the appropriate level of quality requirements
TS EN ISO 3834-2 Quality requirements for melting of metallic materials - Part 2: Comprehensive quality requirements
TS EN ISO 3834-3 Quality requirements for melting of metallic materials - Part 3: Standard quality requirements
TS EN ISO 3834-4 Quality requirements for the melting of metallic materials - Part 4: Basic quality requirements
TS EN ISO 3834-5 Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials - Part 5: Documents required to confirm the conformity with the quality requirements of ISO 3834-2, ISO 3834-3 and ISO 3834-4
The ISO 3834 Welded Manufacturing Competence Management System standard describes the measures applicable to different situations. In general, this standard applies to:
To determine resource quality requirements in contractual situations
For the establishment and maintenance of welding quality requirements by manufacturers
During the determination of welding quality conditions by the committees preparing the production criteria or application standards
For third parties, customers or manufacturers by organizations that evaluate resource quality performance
The ISO 3834-2, ISO 3834-3 and ISO 3834-4 standards provide complete quality requirements for process control for all fusion welding processes, either individually or in combination, as specified. The ISO 3834-5 standard describes the necessary documents to verify the conformity of ISO 3834-2, ISO 3834-3 or ISO 3834-4 standards to quality requirements.
In short, the ISO 3834 Welded Manufacturing Competence Management System standard specifies the conditions that enterprises must meet to implement good practices in welding processes. To ensure welding quality assurance, enterprises must ensure that they have authorized welders. Enterprises are responsible for the competence of persons or managers in charge of welding and the training and management of welders. To ensure consistent quality, it is necessary to prepare written welding documents or use welding procedure specifications in the plant.
The ISO 3834 standard promotes a proactive and process-oriented approach to managing and controlling the quality of source products in an enterprise. It is also a system for controlling production activities. For the comprehensive implementation of this system, the following standards must also be observed:
TS EN 15085 Railway applications - Welding of railway vehicles and components
TS EN ISO 14731 Resource coordination - Duties and responsibilities
TS EN ISO 9606 Welders qualification examination - Melting welding
TS EN ISO 14732 Welding personnel - Qualification examination of welding operators and welding adjusters for fully mechanized and automatic melting of metallic materials
First, it is determined whether the organization meets the mandatory requirements of the standard and whether to proceed to the next stage.
It is checked whether necessary procedures and audits have been developed and your institution's readiness for evaluation is reviewed.
The findings that arise in the first two stages are evaluated and after all corrective actions are reviewed, document preparation is started.
To get an appointment, to get more detailed information or to request an evaluation, you can ask us to fill in our form and reach you.