The supply chain is fragile in many sectors or causes public safety problems. This situation leads to security gaps for private and public institutions and adversely affects companies. Such risks need to be identified on the supply chain for companies and effectively managed with precise diagnostics.
The ISO 28001 Supply Chain Safety Management System standard is a management system standard designed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and published in 2007. This international standard defines the requirements of the supply chain security management system and provides a model for companies wishing to implement this system.
The ISO 28001 standard provides guidance to companies in the international supply chains for the following requirements:
Develop and implement supply chain security processes
Establish and document a minimum level of security on a supply chain
To help meet the requirements of the applicable legal regulations, in accordance with the criteria set by international government agencies and in accordance with national supply chain security programs
In addition, the ISO 28001 standard specifies specific documentation requirements to allow verification. For example, in accordance with this standard, companies define the areas in which they provide security within an international supply chain, conduct security assessments and take adequate measures in this part of the supply chain, develop and implement supply chain security plans, and train their employees on security-related issues.
The ISO 28001 Supply Chain Security Management System standard allows companies to identify and document reasonable security levels within international supply chains and components. In this way, companies can make more accurate risk-based decisions about security in international supply chains.
One of the benefits of ISO 28001 Supply Chain Security Management System for companies located on a supply chain is to reduce the company's security risks. By identifying safety risks and taking adequate measures, errors and damages are minimized. Another important benefit is the fulfillment of the obligations arising from the relevant directives, particularly in trade to European Union countries. Especially in transport activities, too many requirements are in line with this standard and the trust in the company against the authorities is increasing.
Applying the ISO 28001 standard also demonstrates the ability of companies to identify and control security risks against customs authorities. Companies with ISO 28001 certification have superiority over their competitors and increase their brand values.
Naturally, the product and service quality of companies increases, their costs decrease and their productivity increases. In this way, market efficiency of firms increases. Likewise, there is an increase in customer satisfaction.
In our country, this management system is published by the Turkish Standards Institute in a series of standards with the following headings:
TS ISO 28000 Features for security management systems in the supply chain
TS ISO 28001 Supply chain security management systems - Best practices for supply chain security, assessment and implementation of plans
TS ISO 28003 Safety management systems for supply chain - Requirements for organizations that provide inspection and certification of supply chain safety management systems
The use of the ISO 28001 Supply Chain Safety Management System standard helps companies build adequate security levels across an international supply chain. At the same time, this standard provides a basis for identifying and verifying the level of security existing in the supply chain by internal or external auditors or government agencies.
Often, customers, business partners, government agencies and others request an audit or approval from companies claiming to comply with this international standard. Therefore, it is important that these companies are audited and certified by independent and independent certification bodies. The accreditation of the certification body allows this certificate to be accepted all over the world.
If companies apply the ISO 28001 standard, they will have a scope document that defines the boundaries of the supply chain covered by the security plan, and a security assessment document that includes security threat scenarios that show security gaps in the supply chain. This safety assessment document also illustrates potential security threat scenarios and the implications for each. The firm will also have a security plan describing the existing security measures to manage the security threat scenarios identified by the security assessment.
In order for companies in the supply chain to prepare a security plan, they should identify potential threats that they may conduct a security assessment study, that is, prepare security threat scenarios. At the same time, each of these scenarios needs to determine how to apply them to a security incident. Such work can be done by reviewing the current security situation on the supply chain. Based on the results, professional support is needed to determine how vulnerable the supply chain is to security threats.
Global transport over the supply chain has never been as complex as it is today. In addition to theft, terrorist acts and smuggling, problems such as protection of brand integrity and product safety are serious threats for many businesses. Therefore, companies use the ISO 28001 Supply Chain Safety Management System standard and obtain the ISO 28001 Certificate to prove that they have identified critical points for the security of supply chains and have policies and procedures to manage security risks and audit their activities.
This system offers great benefits to companies of all sizes and responds to customer demands to prove that a systematic security management is implemented. First of all, this standard increases the safety, reputation and growth rate of the company. It facilitates trade and accelerates the cross-border transport of goods. It allows the company to monitor and manage security risks on the supply chain.
This standard encourages firms to secure their own processes in supply chains. For this reason, companies who want to gain a competitive advantage are necessarily ISO 28001 Certificate. This standard compares the company's security management practices with international best practices. With the application of these standards, security weaknesses of the companies are eliminated, damage payments are reduced and insurance premiums decrease.
First, it is determined whether the organization meets the mandatory requirements of the standard and whether to proceed to the next stage.
It is checked whether necessary procedures and audits have been developed and your institution's readiness for evaluation is reviewed.
The findings that arise in the first two stages are evaluated and after all corrective actions are reviewed, document preparation is started.
To get an appointment, to get more detailed information or to request an evaluation, you can ask us to fill in our form and reach you.