
ISO 15504 Software Process Evaluation System
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ISO 15504 Software Process Evaluation System

What is ISO 15504 Software Process Evaluation System?

It is best to work with a company whose software processes are evaluated, audited and documented in order not to get any software whose quality is suspected. One of the existing approaches to software certification is to be considered. These include demonstrating a range of skills, assessing the behavior of software products, and documenting that software activities are properly monitored.

ISO 15504 Software Process Evaluation System

These approaches are generally referred to as the software quality certification triangle, covering processes, products and employees. It is very important to establish this balance. In general, software quality means product efficiency, product efficiency and process efficiency.

The ISO / IEC 15504 Software Process Assessment System standard has been developed as a result of the development of an international standard for software process evaluation by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). During the development of this standard, a series of empirical tests have been conducted. These tests were performed by SPICE team.

SPICE, which stands for the International Standard for Software Process Assessment in English, stands for the international standard for evaluating software processes. The ISO 15504 standard provides a highly detailed framework for software process evaluation.

ISO 15504 Software Process Evaluation System architecture is established in two dimensions. One dimension consists of the processes evaluated. The other dimension is the scale used to assess the capacity of operations (this is considered the capability dimension). The most emphasized issue in SPICE tests was the reliability of software process evaluations.

The ISO 15504 system has six skill levels.

  • Level = 0 Missing process (there is a general failure to achieve the purpose of the process, no easily identifiable products or outputs of the process)

  • Level = 1 Action taken (the purpose of the process is generally achieved, but success cannot be meticulously planned and tracked)

  • Level = 2 Managed process (processes deliver business products of acceptable quality in a given time frame, performance is planned and monitored, business products meet certain standards and requirements)

  • Level = 3 Process established (processes are implemented and managed in accordance with good software engineering principles, resources are available to create process definition)

  • Level = 4 Predictable process (processes are carried out continuously within defined control limits to achieve objectives, detailed performance measurements are collected and analyzed)

  • Level = 5 Optimizing the process (process performance is optimized to meet current and future business requirements and based on the business objectives of the firm, process efficiency and productivity goals are established)

The scoring scheme consists of a four-point achievement scale for each level. These four scales are as follows:

  • Completely obtained (defined feature has full success)

  • Obtained largely (defined feature have significant success)

  • Partially obtained (defined feature has some success)

  • Not obtained (no evidence that the defined property has been obtained)

ISO 15504 Software Process Assessment System What Benefits to Businesses?

A software development includes a number of sub-processes such as design studies, software implementation, testing, quality assurance testing and system stress testing. By evaluating these processes separately, areas that need process capability and improvement are identified. In short, through process evaluation studies, it is possible to understand the status of existing processes and to determine whether these processes meet certain standards.

Companies that establish ISO 15504 Software Process Evaluation System, operate in compliance with this standard and obtain ISO 15504 Certificate, prove to customers and third parties that they have a systematic operation in terms of evaluation of software quality, determination and improvement of software capability in the first place.

Thanks to this standard, a structure that enables the development of software quality is established in the company. As in general quality management systems, it is proved that the culture of continuous improvement has been established in the company and necessary steps have been taken to maintain this.

With the ISO 15504 standard, the company designs the processes that meet the business objectives in its core business with an engineering approach and makes the best use of its resources.

The ISO 15504 Software Process Assessment System can be used for software companies of all sizes and for any application. Thanks to this system, it is possible to make a more concrete comparison between the companies operating in this field.

Why is ISO 15504 Software Process Evaluation System Important?

The initial preparation of the ISO 15504 Software Process Evaluation System standard was initiated by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), a commission of the International Organization for Standardization (1993).

The first versions of this standard focus only on software development processes. It then covered all relevant processes in a software work, such as project management, configuration management, quality assurance, and so on.

The current version of the ISO 15504 standard defines the measurement framework and uses different process reference models. The processes cover the following six business areas: organization, management, engineering, procurement and procurement, support and operations.

In our country, a series of standards related to software process evaluation system has been published by Turkish Standards Institute:

  • TS ISO / IEC 33001 Information technology - Process evaluation - Concepts and terms

  • TS ISO / IEC 33002 Information technology - Process evaluation - Requirements for the execution of process evaluation

  • TS ISO / IEC 15504-3 Information technology - Software process evaluation - Part 3: Guidelines for the implementation of an assessment

  • TS ISO / IEC 15504-4 ... Chapter 4: Guidance for process improvement and process adequacy determination

  • TS ISO / IEC 15504-5 ... Section 5: Example for the process evaluation model

  • TS ISO / IEC 15504-6 ... Chapter 6: Example for the life cycle process evaluation model

  • 15504-8 ... Section 8: An exemplary process evaluation model for IT service management

  • TS 15504-9 ... Section 9: Target process profiles

  • TS ISO / IEC TS 15504-10 ... Section 10: Safety additions


In short, the ISO 15504 Software Process Assessment System determines the measurement framework required to determine the software capability of the company:

  • Make an evaluation

  • Creating process reference models

  • To create process evaluation models

  • Verify the appropriateness of process evaluation

This system makes it easy to make self-evaluation in the company, provides a basis for process improvement and talent determination and the ability to achieve the purpose of the process is determined.

SPICE is a very important international initiative that supports the development of a standard for the evaluation of software processes. This project has three main objectives: to develop a standard for software process evaluation, to conduct industry testing of this standard and to encourage the transfer of this standard to the worldwide software industry.

Our company provides ISO 15504 Software Process Assessment System certification services among its many system certification services to its customers with a strong technological infrastructure and a trained and experienced expert staff.
While providing these certification services, our organization complies with the standards published by domestic and foreign organizations, methods accepted in every part of the world and the legal regulations in force and provides a quality, fast, perfect and reliable service.

First Evaluation

First, it is determined whether the organization meets the mandatory requirements of the standard and whether to proceed to the next stage.


Preparation of Documents

It is checked whether necessary procedures and audits have been developed and your institution's readiness for evaluation is reviewed.


Issue of Document

The findings that arise in the first two stages are evaluated and after all corrective actions are reviewed, document preparation is started.


System Certification

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